Welcome to Danielle Buoncristiani Photography's Blog Site
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Maddie Tidbits....Gratefulness Brings Happiness1

Nonnie's Chicken This recipe has been my kids favorite since they were little.  I teased Nonnie (my Mother-in-Law) that she didn't tell me the trick of adding parmesan cheese for the first 20 years...she held out on me :)  It is great with or without the cheese in the bread crumbs.  Enjoy! 

Tucker's Search for a new Apprentice!
Thursday, July 09, 2020
Maddie Tidbits....Gratefulness Brings Happiness1

A NEW ASSISTANT TO BUONCRISTIANI PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO!   Tucker is now 10.5 years old and has been working at Buoncristiani Photography Studio for most of his life.  Now he would like to train a young apprentice to help out with his Studio duties...The hunt is on!  So much fun to play with puppies.  We will find the perfect fit!  

Building a Dahlia Garden
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Maddie Tidbits....Gratefulness Brings Happiness1

Our old dog run was full of "junk" all the things we had not thrown away, tons of river rocks with weeds, irrigation tubing we were not using...honestly it stressed me out everytime I went into the dog run.  I had a dream...after my birthday in July 2019 and seeing the Dinner Plate Dahlia's for the first time...I wanted Dahlias. Now where will we put these huge Dahlias...the Dog Run of course!  Tucker really never used the Dog Run, because as most of you know he does not think he is a DOG.  This past December I put in a huge online order of Dahlia Tubers which were going to arrive in the spring.  I was going with the idea that if I "Order" then the Dog Run will get ...

Revisiting 2013...Not just a portrait session…an experience!
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Maddie Tidbits....Gratefulness Brings Happiness1

 This weekend I had an amazing generational session with four generations of family gathered together in the great-grandparents’ backyard where their three children and grandchildren had grown up. I received this email the following morning from the great-grandfather which made me tear up…“Thank you for making the family laugh. Better than Disneyland. That alone is worth the photo shoot. Dora and I thank you for a relaxing time. We await the pictures too.John”I am so blessed to be able to have a job as a portrait photographer where I get to meet and work with such wonderful people; create amazing portraits together, and we all have a great experience ...